Wikipedia - EAC Generals

The Emilio Aguinaldo College (EAC) Generals are the varsity teams of Emilio Aguinaldo College of Paco, Manila. The Immaculate Conception Academy (ICA) is paired as the junior (high school) varsity team of the Emilio Aguinaldo College (EAC). The EAC-ICA Brigadiers is the junior team of EAC Generals.

They formerly played at the Universities and Colleges Athletic Association (UCAA) and the National Capital Region Athletic Association (NCRAA). They are now playing in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (Philippines).

The Generals nickname honors President General Emilio Aguinaldo, the first President of the Philippines and the college's namesake.



The Generals are one of the charter members of the UCAA in 2002; they first won the men's basketball title in 2004 where they defeated two-time runner-up Philippine School of Business Administration Jaguars. They would later win the next two UCAA championships mostly due to exploits of Ronjay Buenafe.

In 2007, the Generals failed to make it to the championship round of the UCAA men's basketball championships, a trend that continued until the 2008 season.


While the UCAA holds its basketball tournaments during the first semester (June–October) of the academic year, the NCRAA holds its basketball tournaments during the second semester (November–March) allowing the Generals (and several UCAA teams) to compete in the NCRAA. The Generals also clinched the 2005 title, while they were eliminated in the playoffs during the 2006 season. In the 2007 season, the Generals met the Arellano Chiefs in the best-of-three finals series. After tying the series 1–1, the Chiefs, through their defense that limited Buenafe to six points, defeated the Generals to win their first NCRAA title.


With the departure of Philippine Christian University (PCU) Dolphins after exposure of several juniors' players enrolling with forged documents, the NCAA originally opened its doors for new members, and EAC was one of the schools that lodged their application. EAC was named as one of the frontrunners, but the NCAA Policy Board failed to garner enough number of votes to admit a new member which closed the doors for new members for their 2009–10 season.

However, the NCAA invited "guest teams" instead, and EAC along with the AUF Great Danes and fellow NCRAA member Arellano, were accepted as guest teams for the 2009–10 season, where they are also eligible to win championships.

EAC, along with two other teams, finished sixth in the 2009 season with a 6–12 record, two games behind fifth place Arellano, the best performer among the guest teams.

In 2015, EAC, along with Lyceum is accredited as full members of the NCAA, based from their performance in Season 90.

Баскетбольная команда «Ист-Каролина Пирэтс» представляет Университет Восточной Каролины в межвузовских соревнованиях по баскетболу. Команда соревнуется в NCAA по баскетболу среди мужчин в Дивизионе I и конференции Американского Атлетического Союза (AAC). Команда играет свои домашние игры в Minges Coliseum в Гринвилле, Северная Каролина.

Программа «Пираты» началась в 1918 году. Команда выиграла 10 чемпионатов регулярного сезона конференции и 13 турниров конференций. Они выходили в турнир NCAA девять раз, в последний раз в 2013 году.

Талисманом команды является пират Пэрри, который впервые появился в 1974 году. Песня группы «Йо-хо, Пираты» традиционно исполняется во время домашних игр после каждой победы.

Баскетбольная команда «Пираты» имеет долгую и легендарную историю. С момента своего основания программа выпустила множество талантливых игроков, которые продолжили успешную карьеру в НБА и других профессиональных лигах. Команда также известна своими преданными болельщиками, которые создают неповторимую атмосферу на домашних играх.